Take a look at those pictures once again. What the Culture Jammer has done is twist and manipulate these photos to convey a different message.
Lets take the McDonalds one for example. By using the golden arches, which McDonalds is famous for, the Jammer has edited it in a way that shows that McDonalds products induce medical trauma. Instead of advertising for food, they have manipulated it in a way that expresses their feelings towards McDonalds. That’s what the Jammer has done: he has expressed his thoughts and opinions via clever photo editing. Although the Jammer has conveyed a different message, these pictures are nonetheless entertaining to look at; it’s not all the time that a Culture Jammer is trying to disrupt society.
“Perhaps we’ve been too conditioned by photography to perceive single images as single moments. After all, it does take an eye time to move across scene in real life” (Scott McCloud).
What is so unique about a Culture Jammer is the way they interpret certain pictures; although we have a certain perspective of what one picture is, the Jammer has the ability to mess around and distribute a very different message. You can almost bet that these changes will get people’s attention, and that their message will be heard.
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