Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Greenpeace: Engagement and Cause. Activism at its youngest and best

“Greenpeace is a non-governmental organization for the protection and conservation of the environment. Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying and research to achieve its goals. Greenpeace has a worldwide presence with national and regional offices in 46 countries, which are affiliated to the Amsterdam-based Greenpeace International. The global organization receives its income through the individual contributions of an estimated 3 million financial supporters.”

I was in the 8th grade when I first was introduced to this concept of ‘Saving the Earth’ and ‘Greenpeace’; the only reason that I was introduced to it though, is because I needed my community service hours and the only activity left was to sell recycled bags at Sobeys instead of plastic ones. At first glance, it didn’t really seem much of a big deal; selling bags made of old paper and recycled products didn’t really seem like it was going to save the earth. When the time came, a few other students in my grade also joined in the cause; some were like me and needed hours and others joined to make a difference. We all gathered at the entrance and began to promote out cause: Save the Earth, one bag at a time. It was interesting to see such commitment and hard work, just to sell some bags.

Selling the bags itself was an experience itself. When you think of activists trying to save the environment, you might conjure up the image of angry people with picket signs in front of a deforestation company.

At least I did.

Our approach was a bit less…. Confrontational. Instead, we set up a booth in front of Sobeys and just politely asked if they would purchase a bag. If they said no, we would nod and tell them to have a nice day. If the said yes, it would be a win-win situation for everyone.

What does this have to do with Greenpeace, you may ask?

Like Greenpeace, we helped to try and improve our environment we live in. Although Greenpeace was a bigger organization than the one at my elementary school, we still had the same cause.

Having the same cause as a bigger organization, it makes you feel proud for at least for trying to accomplish what they are trying to accomplish as well.

Work cited